March 3, 2025

Jamaica Diaspora Foundation

This is a limited liability non-profit organisation whose principal objectives are to strengthen the links and support systems between Jamaicans residing abroad and those at home. Their main objective is to seek funding for the operational and functional areas of the work of the Foundation and the Jamaica Diaspora Institute.

Jamaica Diaspora Institute

The Jamaica Diaspora Institute is the operational arm of the Jamaica Diaspora Foundation and is headed by an Executive Director, Professor Neville Ying. The key activities include building and connecting Diaspora communities through the development of web portals and databases; facilitating partnerships between Jamaica and its Diaspora and conducting research on Jamaican migration and Diaspora issues.

The JDI is currently pursuing the Diaspora Youth Connect (DYC) Project in partnership with CUSO International. The purpose of the Project is to leverage human and financial resources that exist within the Jamaican Diaspora in order to strengthen the capacity as well as the entrepreneurial and business management skills of youth in vulnerable communities across Jamaica. This has enabled young persons to convert their creative ideas into income earning and business ventures.

To date the project has been implemented in eight communities: August Town, Trench Town, Mountain View, Flanker, Fletchers Land, Allman Town, Granville and Parade Gardens.

Joint Select Committee on Diaspora Affairs

The Joint Select Committee of the Houses of Parliament on Diaspora Affairs was established in 2009. This Committee elevated the relationship between the Government and the Diaspora to a higher level and because of its bi-partisan composition reinforced the importance placed on the Diaspora by both Government and Opposition. The Committee will play an important role in reviewing the National Diaspora Policy, preparatory to its adoption by Cabinet.