March 24, 2025

Trade with the United States of America

Jamaica trades with the USA under the Caribbean Basin Initiative (CBI) which comprises the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act (CBERA) 1983/1990 and the 2000 Caribbean Basin Trade Partnership Act (CBPTA). The CBERA and CBTPA provide one way (non-reciprocal) duty free access to the US market for goods with a few exceptions such as foot wear, luggage, flat goods, work gloves, leather wearing apparel and watches and parts.

See texts at links: ;

The CARICOM-USA Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA)  was signed on 28th May 2013, and is intended to strengthen economic relations between the USA and CARICOM countries by enhancing cooperation and promoting trade and investment. The US/CARICOM Trade and Investment Council (TIC) is established under this Agreement to facilitate discussions between CARICOM and the USA on matters related to Trade and Investment. See text of the Agreement at link:

Trade with Canada

Jamaica trades with Canada under the 1986 Caribbean/Canada Trade Agreement (CARIBCAN). CARIBCAN provides one way (non-reciprocal) duty free access to the Canadian market for goods with a few exceptions (textiles and clothing, leather goods, footwear, etc.) from all CARICOM countries except Suriname. See text at link

There is also the 1979 Trade and Economic Co-operation Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Governments of the Member States of the Caribbean Common Market. See text at link:

Negotiations for a CARICOM / Canada Trade Agreement were suspended in 2015.


Other Trade Agreements/Arrangements:


For other trade agreements/arrangements, see the sections on CARICOM and ACP/EU as well as the booklet at the following link: