March 24, 2025

The Consular Affairs Department

The Consular Affairs Department is mandated to deliver consular services to the Jamaican Diaspora, Jamaicans at home as well as non-Jamaicans. In recognition of the fact that (1) Jamaicans are travelling, living and trading and studying not just in traditionally popular destinations but all across the globe; (2) there is more awareness among Jamaicans locally about the role of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in giving consular assistance; and (3) foreigners are increasingly making Jamaica their destination of choice to visit and reside, the Department has stepped up its efforts to deliver first class service to these constituencies.

The Department is currently supported by a network of 23 Jamaican Embassies, High Commissions and Consulates General, as well as 80 active Honorary Consuls.

High on the agenda on the Department is the expansion of Jamaica’s consular network which will see Honorary Consular posts strategically established in cities and regions where Jamaica currently lacks a presence, with the objective of promoting Brand Jamaica trade and investment. In the locations where Jamaica already has a presence, the capacity of some posts will be upgraded to carry out these functions. It should be noted that the trade and investment promotion aspect of the work will be undertaken with the Economic Growth Council (EGC), Jamaica Promotions Corporation (JAMPRO) and other partners. All posts will still provide the core consular functions of assisting Jamaicans in need of such services.

Finally, the vision of the Department is to support and strengthen the global activities of the Ministry in terms of its responsiveness to the needs of Jamaican citizens and to assist with advancing Jamaica’s economic growth agenda through its strategic appointments of Career and Honorary Consular Officers.
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