To allow for greater inclusivity of Jamaicans living across the globe, the GJDC comprises 30 members, who serve voluntarily. The governance structure of the Council is led and supported by the Chairperson, who is the Minister of State with Responsibility for Diaspora Affairs within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade; a Vice-Chair, appointed from among the Diaspora; the Under-Secretary for Diaspora, Protocol and Consular Affairs; and the Director of the Diaspora Affairs Department in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade.
The GJDC will comprise of 14 elected members from across the Diaspora communities in the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States of America.
The remaining 16 members are appointed from the Diaspora and Jamaica, by the Minister with responsibility for Diaspora Affairs in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, following their election or selection to the Council. There are three categories of appointments: (i) appointments according to regions, (ii) appointments according to sectors and (iii) a discretionary appointment.
Six (6) members are appointed following a selection process from regions not currently represented through the electoral process, namely: Africa; Asia and the Pacific; Latin America; the Caribbean; Europe (excluding the United Kingdom); and the Middle East.
Nine (9) members are appointed through a selection process to join the GJDC according to their respective areas of expertise in: Arts, Sport and Culture; Citizen Security; Commerce; Development Issues; Education; Faith-based Community; Health and Wellness; Agriculture; and Environment. The final member of the Council is a discretionary appointment.
The Governance Structure of the GJDC is guided by the GJDC Terms of Reference.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade extends heartiest congratulations to each member of the GJDC and the GJDYC on their appointments for the 2023-2025 term period. The Government of Jamaica remains committed to this transformative engagement and partnership, and will continue to work with our Diaspora in building on the progress made to optimize this mutual relationship.
Name | Contact Information | Region/Country |
Mrs. Michelle Tulloch-Neil | Email: miatull@aol.com | USA North East |
Ms. Shauna Chin | Email: shaunachin@gmail.com | USA West/Mid-West |
Mr. Peter Gracey | Email: petergracey@gmail.com | USA Southern |
Ms. Lisa Rutty | Email: lisa.rutty@outlook.com | Canada |
Ms. Rhona Dunwell | Email: rdunwell@rogers.com | Canada |
Mr. Nathaniel Peat | Email: gjdc@nathanielpeat.com | UK South |
Name | Contact Info | Region |
Mr. David Jarrett | Email: consultant@rdjconsulting.co.za | Africa |
Dr. Stephanie Fletcher-Lartey | Email: stephjewels100@yahoo.com.au | Asia & the Pacific |
Mr. Glenroy McIntosh | Email: caribbeanrepgjdc@gmail.com | Caribbean |
Mrs. Nicole Little-John | Email: nicolelanguages.cl@gmail.com | Latin America |
Dr. Ethel Rose de Vrieze-McBean | Email: rosemcbean@icloud.com | Europe |
Mr. Lennox Christie | Email: sirlennoxchristie@gmail.com | The Middle East |
Name | Contact Infomation | Sector |
Dr. Hugh Simmonds | Canada
Email: hasimmonds@uwaterloo.ca |
Arts, Sport and Culture |
Mr. Kevin Junor | Canada
Email: kjunor@rogers.com |
Citizen Security |
Mr. Shaune Anthony Brown | USA | Commerce |
Mrs. Elizabeth Mullings-Smith | England UK Email: mullingssmithe@gmail.com |
Development Issues |
Mrs. Sandra Colly-Durand, PhD | France
Email: gjdceducation@gmail.com |
Education |
Bishop Dr. Glenford Duffus | Canada
Email: fordville53@outlook.com |
Faith-Based Community |
Mr. Gary Rhule, MD | USA
Email: gary.rhulex16@icloud.com |
Health & Wellness |
Dr. Peter Edwards | USA Email: peteretedwards@gmail.com |
Environment |
Mr. Byron Wills | USA Email: jamaicadirect@gmail.com wills_byron@yahoo.com |
Agriculture |
Name | Contact Infomation | Country/Region |
Dr. Sylvanus Thompson |
Email: thompsonsilvanus7@gmail.com |
Toronto, Canada |
Name | Contact Information | Region/Country |
Ms. Asha J. Richards | Email: ashajrich@gmail.com | USA North East |
Ms. Renae Miller | Email: GJDYCSD@outlook.com | USA Southern |
Ms. Vanessa Myrie | Email: vmyrie@hotmail.com | USA West/Mid-West |
Ms. Samaya Miller | Email: samaya.miller3@gmail.com | Canada |
Ms. Shermara Fletcher | Email: shermarafletcher_1@outlook.com | UK North |
Mr. Steven Getten | Email: stevengetten@gmail.com | Canada |
Mr. Amani Simpson | Email: GJDC@amanisimpson.com | UK South |