The Kingston Free Zone and the Montego Bay Free Zone provide significant investment opportunities for both Jamaican and foreign investors, including:
- Easy access to air, sea and telecommunications services
- No tax on profits
- Duty exemption on imports and exports
- Minimal customs procedures
- Wide market access through international trade agreements
- Adaptable, productive, English speaking workforce
Free Zone development in Jamaica involves the construction, management and rental of office and factory space in order to promote exports, generate foreign currency earnings, create new employment and facilitate the transfer of technology.
Companies in the Kingston and Montego Bay Free Zones are engaged in manufacturing activities, telemarketing, data entry, electronic assembly, telecommunication services and reservation and business process outsourcing.
The Kingston Free Zone opened in 1976 to complement the transshipment facilities of the Port of Kingston. It manages over 700,000 sq. ft. of factory space, in addition to the 50,000 sq. ft. at the Portmore Information Park.
Following the success of the Kingston Free Zone, the Montego Bay Free Zone was opened in 1985 and now comprises 600,000 sq. ft. of rentable space.
Jamaica’s Free Zones are among the most attractive and sought after locations for offshore operations in the Caribbean region and have been particularly successful in the development of the information and communications technology sector.
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