September 16, 2024

Jamaica to participate in 5th Trade Policy Review at the World Trade Organization




Jamaica to participate in 5th Trade Policy Review at the World Trade Organization

Jamaica is set to participate in its fifth Trade Policy Review (TPR), which is slated to take place at the World Trade Organization (WTO) in Geneva starting tomorrow (July 10).

The TPR is a mandatory peer review which will seek to examine developments in Jamaica’s national trade policy between 2017 when the last review was held, up to 2022. During this review, Jamaica will have an opportunity to outline national economic and development needs, policies and objectives, within the context of the external global economic environment. In this context, the upcoming review will consider the impact on Jamaica’s economic development, trade performance and capacity to trade, of unforeseen and external shocks, including the COVID-19 pandemic, conflicts such as those in Gaza and Ukraine, and more recently, the passage of Hurricane Beryl.

“The Government of Jamaica values the TPR as a crucial process for assessing our trade policy framework and its impact on our economic development. We appreciate the collaborative efforts with the WTO Secretariat and other Jamaican Government Ministries in preparation for this review”, says Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Senator the Honourable Kamina Johnson Smith.

“We also particularly appreciate the opportunity to highlight the very real special circumstances of small island states and our vulnerability to climate events of increasing frequency and intensity. The reality of the impact of Hurricane Beryl, notwithstanding all efforts made in our macro-economic reform, speaks loudly on the need for systemic and special recognition for small island states in the world trade system”, says the Minister.

In preparation for the TPR which began mid-2023, Jamaica submitted a comprehensive National Report for 2017 to 2022 to the WTO Secretariat, incorporating contributions from a wide range of government ministries, departments and agencies. This report, along with the WTO Secretariat’s report, will be reviewed by the WTO membership of more than 164 countries and customs territories.

“We look forward to engaging with our international partners during this review process and to leveraging the insights gained to enhance our trade policies and economic resilience”, the Minister says.

The Jamaican delegation, led by Minister Johnson Smith, will participate in the two-day review process commencing on July 10. Other members include Ambassador Esmond Reid, Under-Secretary for Trade in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, His Excellency Dr. Richard Brown, Permanent Representative of Jamaica to the World Trade Organization in Geneva, Ms. Michelle Parkins, Chief Technical Director in the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Mining, and other senior officials from these Ministries, the Ministry of Finance and the Public Service, the Ministry of Industry, Investment and Commerce and the Bank of Jamaica.

As a developing country, Jamaica undergoes a TPR every seven years. This mechanism is essential to the WTO’s work, ensuring transparency and adherence to the rules and commitments of WTO Multilateral Trade Agreements. 

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