February 23, 2025

Johnson Smith Urges OAS Support in Combating Illicit Weapons

Caption: Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Senator the Honourable Kamina Johnson Smith, in her Ministerial address at the 53rd General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS) urged OAS’ support in combatting illicit weapons. The General Assembly was held on Friday, June 23.

(MFA&FT: June 24, 2023)

Jamaica’s Foreign Minister, Senator the Honourable Kamina Johnson Smith, made a compelling appeal to the Organization of American States (OAS) for collective action in the war against illicit weapons. Addressing the 53rd General Assembly of the OAS, Senator Johnson Smith emphasized the gravity of the situation and the need to prioritize efforts in ending the flow of illegal guns within the hemisphere.

Highlighting the direct correlation between the proliferation of illicit weapons and the level of crime and violence in societies, Senator Johnson Smith stated, “We need to wage war on illicit weapons here in our hemisphere. The flow of such weapons is inconsistent with our hemisphere’s global image as a zone of peace.” She called for strengthened cooperation and collaborative measures to prevent these weapons from entering and causing harm within jurisdictions.

Acknowledging that while countries in the region do not manufacture these weapons, they are severely impacted by their use and availability, Senator Johnson Smith emphasized the importance of joint efforts in addressing this pressing issue. She remarked, “In order to address this scourge, we must continue to strengthen cooperation to keep these weapons outside of our jurisdictions.”

Senator Johnson Smith’s appeal to the OAS underscored Jamaica’s commitment to combatting the proliferation of illicit weapons and creating safer communities. By urging collective action and enhanced cooperation, she demonstrated the urgent need for joint efforts in ending the flow of illegal guns within the hemisphere.

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