January 21, 2025

Membership is open to all youth of Jamaican heritage between the ages 18-35.

The leadership of the GJDYC is comprised of an Executive Board of 15 members. This will include 7 Regional Youth Council Leaders residing in Canada (2 Regional Leaders), the United Kingdom (2 Regional Leaders from the North and South Regions) and the United States of America (3 Regional Leaders from the North- East, West Mid- West and Sothern Regions). The Executive Board is comprised of 4 members of the Secretariat from the three major regions, a representative of the Diaspora Affairs Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, as well as 4 heads of Jamaican Youth Organizations (Jamaica National Youth Council, Youth Advisory Council of Jamaica, Youth Ambassadors Programme and Jamaica Union of Tertiary Students.

The GJDYC also forms part of the Global Jamaica Diaspora Council (GJDC), holding 7 seats (7 Regional Leads).

The Governance Structure of the GJDYC is guided by the GJDYC Terms of Reference.

The Elected Members of the Youth Council are:

Name Contact Information Region/Country
Ms. Asha J. Richards

Email: ashajrich@gmail.com USA
North East
Ms. Renae Miller

Email: GJDYCSD@outlook.com USA
Ms. Vanessa Myrie

Email: vmyrie@hotmail.com USA
Ms. Samaya Miller Email: samaya.miller3@gmail.com Canada
Ms. Shermara Fletcher Email: shermarafletcher_1@outlook.com UK
Mr. Steven Getten Email: stevengetten@gmail.com Canada
Mr. Amani Simpson Email: GJDC@amanisimpson.com UK South