March 19, 2025

Minister Terrelonge urges re-energised partnerships to advance SDGs and empower Jamaica’s Youth

2 Port Royal Street, Kingston


Minister Terrelonge urges re-energised partnerships to advance SDGs
and empower Jamaica’s Youth

The Honourable Alando Terrelonge, Minister of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, has joined the call for a revitalised approach to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), while safeguarding the interests of future generations and their potential to drive Jamaica’s development.

“The involvement of the private sector in tandem with Government initiatives and consultations with youth bodies, is vital to the mission of attaining the SDGS. As we come closer to the 2030 deadline for full attainment of the SDG targets, it is essential that we re-energise our collective efforts”, said Minister Terrelonge as he delivered remarks at the United Nations Partnership Forum in Kingston on Wednesday (November 27).

The Minister used the opportunity to commend United Nations Resident Coordinator Dennis Zulu and his Office for their youth empowerment strategy, which ensures young people have a voice in shaping policies that impact them. While reaffirming the Government’s commitment to equipping young people with the skills and opportunities for
personal growth, Minister Terrelonge emphasised that Jamaica’s youth play a critical role in national development. He further highlighted the Government’s success in “reducing youth unemployment from 35 per cent in 2015 to approximately 13.84 per cent in 2023 — which marked a 60 per cent improvement in last eight years”.

He credited the HEART/NSTA Trust and the Learning and Investment for Transformation (LIFT) Programme for these achievements, noting that the Trust has expanded its focus beyond hospitality training to include fields such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and cybersecurity, ensuring more Jamaican youth are prepared to excel in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

“The LIFT Programme – a $2 billion initiative, has also provided paid internships for recent high school graduates, offering them critical industry experience, while addressing skills gaps in sectors like technology, healthcare, and finance. The programme also supports interns with a monthly stipend of $85,000 and access to mentorship opportunities”, the State Minister added.

He highlighted the Government’s “progressive policy” of removing guarantor requirement for student loans offered through the Student Loan Bureau, making higher education more accessible for all Jamaicans, adding that “this step is pivotal in breaking down barriers that have historically prevented many young people from pursuing higher education”.

The United Nations Partnership Forum serves as a platform for stakeholders to discuss actionable strategies to empower youth, foster innovation and accelerate progress toward the SDGs. Key discussions were centred on enhancing public-private partnerships to drive development in areas such as digital technology, social entrepreneurship, and sustainable business practices, while exploring ways to deepen partnerships that help youth achieve their potential while advancing Jamaica’s sustainable development agenda.

“Today’s Forum serves as a reminder that youth are not just the leaders of tomorrow—they are the leaders of today and together, we can harness the power of public-private partnerships to achieve the SDGs and build a stronger Jamaica for generations to come”, concluded Minister Terrelonge.

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