March 26, 2025

Remarks by Consul General Alsion Roach Wilson at Ceremony to Commemorate 18th Anniversary of 9/11 Attacks

As this special occasion marks my first 9/11 commemorative event in my capacity as Consul General of Jamaica in New York, I am truly honoured to be invited to deliver remarks on the significance of this tragic occurrence to my homeland of Jamaica, the Commonwealth and the world. The catastrophic and unfortunate incidents comprising the September 11th attacks completely changed the global landscape to one of great caution and trepidation as it relates to the ever-pervasive threat of terrorism.

​I would like to use this opportunity to commend the Board Members for broadening the mission of this Garden in 2011 to include the lives of victims lost from the other Commonwealth countries, of which Jamaica is proudly a member. This expansion demonstrates the importance of cooperation among countries with shared values and ideas.

​Jamaica, as a country endowed with talented countrymen and women worldwide, was one of the several countries which were directly impacted from this incident through the loss of over twenty lives. These individuals were truly representative of the Jamaican Diaspora in the United States, consisting of courageous men and women who dedicated their time and efforts in making significant strides to the development of their adopted homeland. Regrettably, their lives were cut short under extremely heartbreaking circumstances.

​In light of the damage caused by this calamity, I join with the other Commonwealth countries which are represented today, in remembering the valuable lives of our dear brothers and sisters which were taken away from us and their families, on that fateful day of September 11, 2001. Let us use this occasion to stand together as one people as we partner in combating the threats posed by global terrorism and the militant groups which promote these disastrous acts. We should also utilize this occasion to not only mourn the lives of our citizens which were taken from us but to also celebrate their lasting legacies.

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