February 22, 2025
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Senator the Honourable Kamina Johnson Smith Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade on the Status of Jamaican nationals in Ukraine

Statement to Press Conference by Senator the Honourable Kamina Johnson Smith Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade on  the Status of Jamaican nationals in Ukraine.

Members of the Media and the Public:

Good afternoon.  I thank you all for joining us.

I am accompanied by the Honourable Robert Morgan, Minister without Portfolio in the Office of the Prime Minister with responsibility for Information, and by Ms. Deniese Sealey, Charge d’Affaires at the Embassy of Jamaica in Berlin.

In January of this year, the international community became alert to a heightened sense of concern over the intentions of Russia towards Ukraine, in a longstanding conflict between the two countries.

By the 24th January, as news reports from the international media suggested rising tensions between the parties, we obtained a report on the situation in Ukraine from our Embassy in Berlin.  In relation to Jamaicans known to be in that country, the Embassy informed that it had been in contact with students, most of whom were living in Kharkiv, which lies to the eastern side of Ukraine and proximate to the Russian border. While there was obvious concern with the aggressive posture of Russia, conditions in the cities at that time were reported to be under control. The Embassy, through engagement of a student representative with whom they had previously been in contact, compiled a list of 42 students registered at different institutions across Ukraine, and their contact details.  At that time, there was no information available on any other Jamaicans living in Ukraine.

Given the uncertainties at the time, students were encouraged to begin to make preparations to leave at short notice, if necessary. This included checking flight availability, validity of their passports and ensuring that they had valid visas for the UK, Schengen countries and the USA, in the event that they needed to transit those countries. They were also advised to make enquiries of their universities whether arrangements were being contemplated for emergencies, including postponement of or facilitation of remote classes and sitting of exams. They were requested to advise the Embassy of developments on the ground and to remain in regular contact.

Since that time and up the present, in exchanges by WhatsApp and emails, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, through the Embassy and the Consular Department at Headquarters, has maintained direct and ongoing communication with the students and their parents. Over time, as the leaders of the group of students provided additional names, we were advised of the status of the Jamaicans who have been studying medicine in Ukraine.  Regarding their current location we confirm as follows:

  • 15 students have left Ukraine; and
  • 28 students remain in Ukraine.

The students were recruited by private agents and were enrolled in institutions in several parts of the country, mainly in Kharkiv.

Early efforts of the Embassy were made to secure information directly from the Ukrainian authorities, and to that end, the Charge d’Affaires met with the Ukraine Embassy in Berlin, wrote to Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry in Kyiv and again to three of the universities at which Jamaicans are studying, all with a view to establishing contact, expressing our concern and seeking support for our students in that country.

Official engagement and outreach by the Ministry have never waned. At Headquarters, discussions were held with the UK, European Union and Russian representatives to ascertain the situation on the ground, seeking intelligence to assist us in our decision-making in these matters.

As recent as yesterday, 25th February, a Diplomatic Note was sent by the Jamaican Embassy in Berlin to the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs requesting safe passage for the remaining twenty-eight (28) Jamaican students in Ukraine for onward travel to Jamaica. The Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded favourably and has shared the necessary information with the Polish Border Guard.

As I speak with you today, 23 of our students are in L’viv, which is usually just under two hours away from Poland by car. Four arrived early this morning, and 19 by train in the last 2 hours. We have only just learnt, that 3 of the 22 students who were travelling by train remained on the train, indicating that their parents told them to stay on the train – we don’t have any further information on their location at this time. Arrangements have been made for all the students’ accommodations for what is expected to be only one night, before they leave for Poland. The two student leaders who arrived earlier in L’viv were indispensable in this process – and we really thank them for their efforts on behalf of the wider student group. Transportation arrangements, very difficult to acquire at this time, are being finalised, acknowledging that some flexibility may be required, even in terms of the actual point at which the crossing will take place.

It is important to recognize that the next stage will be another challenging one, given the massive flow of persons to the border crossings. As noted above, advance notice was sent to the Polish authorities about the students, and we are now engaged with the Massias family regarding their location and arrangements.  We welcome the decision of Poland, and other EU countries, to lift temporarily, restrictions on COVID and immigration requirements, in anticipation of the flood of persons.

It is understood that the lines of persons waiting to cross extend some twenty miles from the border and many are making the journey on foot. We will continue to need your prayers for our nationals.

I am deploying the Chargé d’Affaires in Berlin, Ms. Deniese Sealey, to Poland to work with members of the Jamaican community, friends of Jamaica, and the Honorary Consul to receive our nationals on their arrival. She will provide general support to the process, including settling the arrangements made for their accommodation and subsistence, which are already under way. For clarity, the Government of Jamaica will underwrite costs of subsistence in L’viv and in Poland, as well as the transportation costs for the students from L’viv to Poland. We have also confirmed arrangements to pay for airline tickets for onward travel to Jamaica. The Ministry is working closely with the Ministry of Finance and with our contacts in Ukraine and Poland to ensure appropriate financial arrangements are made.

The Jamaica Tourist Board Office is already engaged to finalize arrangements for air travel from Poland through Frankfurt and on to Montego Bay, as soon as circumstances allow. One student whose passport was still being processed by the authorities in Ukraine, and which was therefore was not in her possession when she left Kharkiv, will be facilitated with a temporary passport by PICA. This is a GOJ effort with several Ministries, Departments and Agencies involved.

I urge you – the media and the public – to remain engaged in sharing timely and correct information. The interest is high and the concerns and well-wishes even greater. The students are courageous and are being encouraged by the love and prayers they have been receiving from all of Jamaica. It will be important for them to not have conflicting information of where their colleagues are, or of changes in border crossings, where these cannot be confirmed. We at the Ministry, are operating with on time information and we will continue to share this on an ongoing basis.

Let me also thank those who have communicated an interest in providing financial support to the students. Their needs are now different from when they were in school, and our current focus is now on their safe-keeping, accommodation and general provision, and their return home. The Government of Jamaica is addressing these needs with dispatch. Any contribution which you may offer will no doubt serve to enhance the prospects for their return to normalcy and to re-engage their studies. We will advise how you can give effect to your generosity of spirit.

I am also aware of public interest in the actions which Jamaica is taking to respond to the political issues surrounding this act of aggression by Russia, against Ukraine. You would have seen the Ministry’s Release yesterday by which Jamaica expressed deep concern over the escalation of violence in Ukraine and condemned the clear violation of the United Nations Charter, particularly the obligation to respect the sovereign rights and the territorial integrity of States, denouncing this act as a contravention of the principles governing the respect for the sovereignty of states and of their territorial integrity.

Furthermore, in keeping with the wide condemnation which this action by Russia has engendered, Jamaica has joined with CARICOM and with the OAS in their issue of similar statements. Yesterday, the United Nations Security Council considered a draft resolution on the subject, which Jamaica co-sponsored, and when the matter reaches the General Assembly, as is expected, we will no doubt adopt a similar approach. There is no equivocation about where Jamaica stands on this issue.  Even now, we hope that good sense will prevail and lead to an immediate cessation of hostilities.

Before I close, allow me to thank Minister Morgan for his invaluable support, particularly during my absence on official traveI. I am deeply grateful to the Permanent Secretary and the team at the Foreign Ministry, especially Ms. Deniese Sealey at our Embassy in Berlin, for their unstinting service in this regard. Many do not know of the personal and emotional investment they make every day in addressing these and other difficult consular challenges, in addition to their professional work on behalf of the Ministry.

I thank them and I thank you for your kind attention.  The floor is open for your questions.

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