March 26, 2025

The Jamaica Trade and Adjustment Team (JTAT)

The primary mechanism for consultations and coordination between the public and private sectors and civil society is the Jamaica Trade and Adjustment Team (JTAT). The Trade Coordination and Policy Committee (TCPC), which existed between 1992 and 2001, was replaced by the Jamaica Trade and Adjustment Team (JTAT) in February 2001. JTAT was established to deepen and widen the national consultative process towards Jamaica’s effective engagement in the negotiations under the WTO Doha Round, for the establishment a Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) and for theACP /EU regional Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA). In addition to facilitating dialogue on trade issues, it was intended that JTAT Members would consider the measures necessary to facilitate Jamaica’s adjustment to the new global trading environment.

JTAT’s membership includes the trade-related Ministries, Departments and Agencies, representatives of the private sector organisations (including the Jamaica Manufacturers’ Association (JMA), Jamaica Chamber of Commerce (JCC), the Jamaica Exporters Association (JEA) ), and Civil Society Groups ( such as trade unions and academia).

Meetings are convened as required and a newsletter (JTAT Trade News), is disseminated periodically, to provide updates on recent developments on trade-related matters of interest to Jamaica.
It should be noted that Article 26 of the CARICOM RTC requires that national consultations be held to inform decisions taken in CARICOM organs, e.g. the Council for Trade and Economic Development (COTED).

Participation in other national trade-related bodies

The Foreign Trade Division also participates in the work of trade-related bodies in the public and private sectors.

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