March 26, 2025

Trade Statistics

Merchandise Trade

In 2016, Jamaica’s merchandise exports to the world were valued at US$ 1,194, 769, 000, while imports were valued at US$ 4,751,330,000. The Balance of Trade was –US$ 3,556,561, 000.

For merchandise trade statistics, visit the website of the Statistical Institute of Jamaica (STATIN):

Trade in Services Data

Regarding data on trade in services, note that disaggregated data is not yet available. Trade in services data for Balance of Payments (BoP) is provided by the Bank of Jamaica. In 2016, exports of services, primarily from tourism, were valued at US$ 3.2 billion, while imports were US$2.2 billion. Jamaica had a trade in services surplus of US$1.1 billion.

Visit the website of the Bank of Jamaica for BoP data:

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