February 23, 2025

Travellers Reminded to Self-Quarantine

Courtesy of the Ministry of Health and Wellness

The Ministry of Health and Wellness is reminding travellers who, in the last week, have come into the island from countries where there is local transmission of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) that they are to self-quarantine for up to 14 days.

Countries with local transmission include the United Kingdom, Canada, the United States, Germany, Spain, Italy, South Korea, Singapore, China, Iran, and France. A full listing of countries with cases is available at https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus2019/situation-reports.

Individuals who develop symptoms during the period of quarantine are to contact the Ministry at the COVID-19 lines for instructions. The numbers are 888-754-7792 and 888-ONE-LOVE (663-5683). Additional numbers to call are 876-542-5998, 876-542- 6007 and 876-542-6006.

Quarantined persons are reminded that they should:

  • Stay alone in a well-ventilated room.
  • Always cover their cough or sneeze with a tissue and throw it away in a covered bin.
  • Wash hands using soap and water before and after using the bathroom, coughing and/or sneezing. Avoid touching eyes and mouth, especially after sneezing or coughing.
  • Have little or no contact with other members of the household and restrict visits from friends and/or family.
  • Restrict members of the household from utilising the same bathroom.

Additional information and updates on COVID-19 can be found at the Ministry’s website at https://www.moh.gov.jm and social media platforms @themohwgovjm. Members of the public may also email covid19@moh.gov.jm or jacovid19facts@gmail.com.

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