Press ReleaseClaims of North East Diaspora Concerns Overstated and Regretfully MisinformedMFAFTNovember 14, 2019November 18, 2019 by MFAFTNovember 14, 2019November 18, 201901581 WASHINGTON, DC, November 12, 2019 – There will be no change in the role that elected members of the Global Jamaica Diaspora Council (GJDC) will...
Featured Press Release“Global Jamaica Diaspora Model: A Model for Deeper Partnership” 25th November 2019MFAFTJune 25, 2019January 20, 2020 by MFAFTJune 25, 2019January 20, 202002260 Caption: Minister Johnson Smith addressing the 8th biennial Jamaica Diaspora Conference held at the Jamaica Conference Centre in Downtown Kingston in June of this year....