Travel Tips For Visitors

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No matter where in the world you’re traveling, it’s important to read the news, stay safe, travel in groups when you are unsure of where you’re going, and keep an eye on your property at all times. Here are some tips to make your travel overseas safe.

  1.  Make sure you travel with a valid passport(at least six (6) months) or visa (if required). Also, bring another valid form of photo I.D., and photocopies  of both I.D.s. in case of loss or theft.
  2. Read up on local laws and practices before you get here.
  3. Give friends and family your contact information and itineraries in case of  emergency.
  4. Register with your country’s embassy or consulate before you travel. That way your country is aware of your whereabouts in case of emergency.
  5. Keep luggage, handbags or backpacks in view at all times.
  6. Keep possessions close to your body.
  7. Don’t take around large amounts of cash.
  8.  Avoid wearing expensive jewelry on road trips or excursions.

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